Ramadan Kareem

 Here is a wonderful post from our friend and brother Mohammed Al-Hojily dealing with what Ramadan means for Muslims, and how it is being celebrated this year in Yemen during these difficult times.

What's The Holy Month Of Ramadan and What Does it Mean For Muslims

First 10 days of the blessed month of Ramadan are mercy, the middle days are forgiveness by God and the last days are survive from hell torture

By Mohammed Al-hojily

Ramadan the month of forgiveness, mercy and charities, the Islamic tradition states that the holy book of Quran has been revealed by Allah to the prophet Mohammed in unknown night of the last 10 nights of Ramadan the night called the  night of power ( Laylat Al-Qadr )  most likely it's on 27 of Ramadan so Muslims across world heading in this night for praying all the night asking Allah the forgiveness and declaring the repent from their sins, the entire month of Ramadan considered a holy and blessed month Muslim cross the world celebrate it by fasting all its days and praying nights.

Muslims increase their charities works in the holy month of Ramadan by helping poor people providing them food and other basic goods, also Islam imposed imposed on Muslims to extract part of their money for the poor through determined pay system called Al-Zakat which is the third column of Islam's five Columns.

Photo by Mohammed Al-Hojily for food baskets distribution for most vulnerable families in Ibb province on Ramadan month project funded by Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation @yemenrrf

Why Muslims fasting the holy Month of Ramadan ?


Fasting is the fourth column of Islam's five Columns Allah has imposed it on all adults and capable Muslims, besides approach God (Allah ) the main goal of fasting Ramadan is to make people feel how poor families are suffering of hunger so that give people motives to donate more and more from their own money to feed poor people, so the moral goal of fast is helping the poor families which would creates integrated society system its rich people to help the poor.

Ramadan in Yemen 2021

Because of war and Saudi blockade we are fasting all the year days” a Yemeni citizen said, according to UN report “two third of Yemen population don’t know the next meal will come from”  Yemenis have been suffering and starving over six years so Ramadan lost its beautiful flavor this year where people of Yemen can not celebrating this year but people keep praying in Ramadan to see an end to the brutal war so they can restart their normal life back.


  1. Ramadan Kareem to you and all Yemenis!
    The food situation in Yemen is atrocious, and we, in the US continue to support the Saudis!
    May the future be such that the only fasting you will do is during the holy month of Ramadan!


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